It was during the General Assembly of the Outdoor Sport Valley in Annecy that the winners of the innovation trophies, “French Outdoor Awards” were announced, on Tuesday 22 September. 250 outdoor professionals gathered that evening to celebrate the industry and the innovations, the real driving force behind the sector. HÄSTKO does well with the RIDINGPAD®: the jury is unanimous. "Everything is there ! Technical innovation and usage innovation. The quality of manufacture and assembly techniques are worthy of the best historical brands. The product is modern and the branding bold, says Gregory Pessey of Jonathan & Fletcher. A product that does not leave indifferent the former Salomon technicians like Antoine Barthelemy or Pierre Jarniat who are amazed by the quality of the project carried out by only 2 people with very little financial means.
Everything is there ! The quality of manufacture and assembly techniques are worthy of the best historical brands.
GREGORY PESSEY. Member of the Jury.
Design office Jonathan & Fletcher
Innovation as a driving force.
The RIDINGPAD®: gel protection optimizing comfort when sitting on a saddle. Developed in collaboration with Arthur Gentina certified osteopath, specialist in musculoskeletal injuries.
The great particularity of the RIDINGPAD®? It is removable! A new feature patented by the brand. No need to constantly walk around with a big foam cushion under the buttocks. You can wear your everyday underwear – under a suit, jeans, or skirt – and transform it within seconds into an ultra-technical and comfortable sport underwear.
A solution totally in tune with the topics, the ecological transition and the booming sales of bicycles and electrical rides. We will finally be able to "commute", do spinning, horse riding or family walks in total comfort and this without dressing like Lance Armstrong. Convenient!

The 2 founders on the stage of the French Outdoor Awards, 2020 COPYRIGHT: ARTPRISM.FR©
This idea comes from two ultra sportive friends. Horse riding, Cross training, trail running, yoga, skiing... Joséphine BIGO (formerly marketing director of ZAGSKIS) and Aurélie MOINIER (graphic designer and artistic director) agreed on one observation: sporting underwear's are not very functional and the more technical it is the more unsightly and uncomfortable they become. Paradox. The RIDINGPAD® was a cry from the heart after numerous pelvic lesions due to horseback riding. A first product that has proven itself. Already several thousand products sold with a rating of 4.9/5 by users. A product tested and adopted by legendary riders like Kevin Staut or Rodrigo Pessoa, but also by the local Chamoniarde community who equip themselves for road cycling, enduro or simply to go to work. Today in fundraising, the company aims to revolutionize sporting underwear and expand internationally.